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Welcome to one of the largest internet platform in the USA, with over 250 million Open Forums dedicated to Freedom of Speech, where you can rant, rave and otherwise express your true thoughts, feelings and opinions without fear of retaliation or concerns of being “politically correct”.

Say what you really think about, directly to your BOSS, TEACHER, NEIGHBOR, any POLITICIAN, CO-WORKERS, SPORT TEAMS, MAYOR, any CELEBRITY,POLICE OFFICERS, IRS, your LANDLORD,etc., etc., etc. Even to the U.S. President or leaders and president of any foreign country! NO ONE IS OFF LIMITS! NO ONE!

Your message signed or not, will remain on the Forum of your choosing for the entire world to see. Nobody can change or remove it!
Read what other people like you care about. Find out who is the Best in your Town or in the Country.
Make positive comments, express constructive criticism, or report Bullying and Harassments. There are no taboo subjects or censorship. Regardless of subject being good, bad or ugly - just bring it to the open!



Q & A

Here are some answers to some common questions:

Q. I signed up what do I do next?
A.  You have to verify your email to leave messages. We do this to deter spammers in order to improve your ForumLada experience. After you fill out the join us form, we will send you an email with a link that you need to click on to complete your registration process. Typically it takes a minute or two for you to receive the verification email, but depending on certain factors it can take up to 30 minutes to receive your email. If you have any issues please contact us.

Q. I can already send messages to a bunch of people. How you are different from Facebook, MySpace, Tweeter, YouTube etc.?

A.  Social Networking is great, but it is "social only". At you can send your message/post to your current classmates, your professor, your parents, your senator, Brad Pitt, or even the president.  You can message anyone, say anything. We are not just a social call, we are a platform created to help you get your message/ideas accross to not just your "friends", but to the entire world. We are the ultimate sounding board and really cannot be compared with social networks.


Q. Is it secure to give you my personal information?
A. Unlike most social networking web sites, we keep very limited information from you (Just your name, and state).

Q. You said that Membership has it's privileges. How so?
A. Member's privileges:
1. You can write an unlimited number of messages in any category.
2. You can vote up or down on any message, and trigger a message evaluation by ForumLada.
3. You can report site/forum abuse.

Q. Do I have to sign my message?

A. No. It is entirely up to you. All of your messages can be anonymous.

Q. How do you know that these messages are true?
A. We don't. Like in real life, sometimes people here tell the truth and sometimes they don't. With that in mind, read messages with caution and a healthy skepticism. 

Q. How many messages can I leave to the same person and how often?
A. As a contributing Member you can leave an unlimited number of messages and as often as you like.

Q. How big can my message be?
A. 600 spaces is the limit..

Q. Should I let my friend or someone else use my password?
A. No! Under no circumstances should you share your password with anyone. Keep it closely guarded! 
If anyone misuses or abuses your account, YOU will be held responsible. Your account will be closed and you will never be able to come back. So please, never ever share your password with anyone.

Q. Someone left a maeesage that is totally untrue! What can I do?A. Write your own message. Ask your friends, relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, etc. to write their own messages too and create a thread so powerful that no one will believe the original post.

Q. Do you give out the identity of the message creator?
A. In extremely rare cases of suspected criminal activities like bullying, racism, hate crimes, promotion of terrorism and violence, sexual predators activities, etc., we may, by court order or law enforcement agency requests, reveal the identity of the message creator. Other than that - NEVER.

Q. Can I include my phone number in my Message?
A. Absolutely NOT. If you want someone to contact you, include your e-mail address. .

Q. I saw somebody recommend products in their message. Should I trust it?
A. No. Companies promote their legitimate products in specially allocated advertising spaces. Never trust messages that promote products or services.

Q. Can I remove my message?
A. No. Your message will stay in Forumlada permanently. So, make sure it's constructive and truthful.

Q. Are you going to make ForumLada available to other countries?
A. Yes. We are planning to open up ForumLada in 26 countries.



Join millions of people in the quest for positive changes.
Fight Bullying. Praise the Teacher. Straighten-up the Politician.
Give someone a rave review. Trigger or join an emerging thread.
Tell Friends! Tell Relatives! Tell fellow Students! Tell Co-Workers! Tell All of them!
Go for it now!
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